You Won’t Believe These 4 Absolutely Mad Conspiracy Theories People Actually Swear By

Talking about these might put a target on my back…

Austin Harvey
9 min readFeb 28, 2022


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EEvery week, I host a comedy/conspiracy podcast with my friend, which means I’ve spent a lot of time researching conspiracy theories over the past month.

If I’m being honest, I was worried I’d find theories so compelling I’d start to believe them. What if, during my research, some of the evidence began to… make sense? Could I get sucked in like so many others before me? Would I start believing the Earth is flat because I’ve never seen it from space myself?

Fortunately, this didn’t happen. Diving into the world of conspiracy theories has had the opposite effect: I’m more skeptical than ever before.

Some of the theories I found are so out there I had to talk about the ridiculousness of them.

1. Reptilians control the Earth from its hollow center

I’d known about this conspiracy theory for years, from back when I read about it on a website called Truthism (which is no longer live, but you can still access it via the Wayback Machine).

“The information on this website is not ‘crap,’ ‘bullshit,’ or ‘crazy conspiracy theories.’ Attempting…



Austin Harvey

Writer, editor, and podcast host. Currently a staff writer at All That's Interesting. Host of History Uncovered and Conspiracy Realists.